

Capabilities for an active lifestyle


The CAPITAL4HEALTH consortium aims to develop and research capabilities for active lifestyles among different population target groups and among professional target groups as well as the structural capacities located at the organizational and system level through an interactive knowledge-to-action approach. It is a regionally based, transdisciplinary consortium from research institutions (university and non- university-based, national and international), policy and practice partners. A number of empirical projects develop, implement, and evaluate interventions to promote capabilities among different age groups and among relevant professional target groups as well as capacities at organizational and system level in relevant settings to sustainably implement those interventions into routine services.<br />Two cross-cutting projects on (a) concepts and methods of capability development and interactive knowledge-to-action and (b) evaluation of the development of capabilities aim to contribute to health promotion research in the fields of theory- building, methodological enhancement and evaluation.

Now published: Supplement to Health Promotion International!
Our projects report on their experiences in using the cooperative planning approach! More information here

About us
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Our projects are working in several settings, using different approaches and following different aims. Here you can find out more about the projects.

You want to know more about the results of the projects? Click here