About us
The Capital4Health consortium “Capabilites for active lifestyle: An interactive knowledge-to-action research network for health promotion” is funded the second time by the Federal Ministry of Research and Education (2018-2021, FKZ 01EL1421A) and had already received funding for the first phase (2015-2018).
Capital4Health aims to develop and research capabilities for active lifestyles among different population target groups and among professional target groups as well as the structural capacities located at the organizational and system level through an interactive knowledge-to-action approach. It is a regionally based, transdisciplinary consortium from research institutions (university and non- university-based, national and international), policy and practice partners.
Board of Speakers
IThe board of speakers comprises all professors of the empirical projects that act as principle investigators and co-investigators, the speaker of the young researchers’ network, as well as the research coordinator.
Transdisciplinary Steering Committee
Capital4Health links researchers with local implementation partners and foster collaboration with other relevant actors in the state of Bavaria (e.g. ministries, agencies, universities) to ensure the sustainability and transferability of the developed interventions.
At the consortium level, there will be a steering committee consisting of principal investigators, research partners from the two cross-cutting subprojects, and selected partners from practice and policy.
It will support subprojects, foster bilateral cooperation, and provide the synthesis necessary to develop a common conceptual, methodological and theoretical inventory for generalizable research and implementation approaches.
It will also promote institutional networks to complement cooperation in the subprojects, improve transdisciplinary collaboration between theoretical and empirical researchers in the consortium, and define a joint research agenda
Young Researcher
The consortium is values the supporting their young researchers during their qualification process. Therefore young researchers meet regularly and work on overarching topics.
Advisory Board
Internationally leading researchers are members the advisory board. They contribute to international visibility of the research consortium, support transferability of methods, interventions and results of the projects.
The advisory board meets once a year with the consortium. In between meetings, members stay in touch to inform about news, relevant studies and projects and to share experience with the Capital4Health projects.
Members of the Advisory Board
Prof. Dr. Thomas Abel
Thomas Abel
University Bern, Switzerland
Professor and associate director director, Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine
Prof. Dr. Matthias Bergmann
Matthias Bergmann
Institute for Social-Ecological Research/ Frankfurt a.M..
Senior Researcher ISOE – Institute for Social-Ecological Research, Research Unit Transdisciplinary Methods and Concepts
Guest Professor at Leuphana University Lüneburg, Faculty Sustainability Studies, Institute for Ethics and Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research
Prof. Dr. Evelyne de Leeuw
Evelyne de Leeuw
Univ. New South Wales, Sydney & Liverpool, Australien
Professor, Direktorin, Centre for Health Equity Training Research and Evaluation (CHETRE)
Direktorin, Glocal Health Consultants
Direktorin, WHO/EURO Healthy Cities Research and Evaluation
Editor, Health Promotion International
Prof. Dr. Rolf Holle
Rolf Holle
Helmholtzzentrum Umwelt+Gesundheit, München
Professor, Health Economics und Health System Management
Prof. Dr. David Hunter
David Hunter
Durham University, Great Britain
Professor, Health Policy and Management
Director, Centre for Public Policy and Health
Director, WHO Collaborating Centre on Complex Health Systems Research, Knowledge and Action
Member, School of Medicine, Pharmacy and Health
Fellow, Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing
non-executive Director, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
Prof. Maria Jansen
Maria Jansen
Maastricht University, Netherlands
Professor, Population Based Health Policy
Leadership, Academic Collaborative Centre for Public Health, Limburg
Prof. Dr. Abby King
Abby King
Stanford University
Professor, Health Research & Policy and Medicine
Director, Health Promotion IT Lab
Prof. Dr. Louise Potion
Louise Potvin
University Montréal, Kanada
Professorin, Social and Preventive Medicine
CHSRF/CIHR Chair in Health Services Research in public health
Scientific director, Centre Léa Roback sur les inégalités sociales de santé de Montréal
Member, Board of Trustees, IUHPE
Member, WHO Scientific Resource Group on Health Equity Analysis and Research